"I wanted to reach out regarding a fun new item for the holidays – Williams-Sonoma’s No Bake Gingerbread House Kit. It’s an easy family-friendly kit that is great for holiday parties or family kitchen projects. The kit makes it simple to build a complete home with a colorful array of the season’s signature sweets. It contains a patented building tray that provides a great foundation for the house, which is easily constructed from sturdy precut cookie pieces and ready-to-use tubes of icing “glue.” Each gingerbread piece is embossed with lines that highlight details and show kids exactly where to pipe decorative icings. Once the house is build you can customize it with a selection of treats – from jewel-tone jelly beans and gumdrops to sparkling starlight mints. The retail price for this item will be $19.95."
I was so excited when I received my no bake Gingerbread House Decorating Kit from Williams-Sonoma! I received the kit and a preview pamphlet of other holiday items they will be offering this season. I had a ton of fun putting the Gingerbread House together. It was easy to set up the house's walls in the building tray and within moments the house was put together! I just had to wait about 15 minutes for it to set.
Then the real work began with decorating the house. I used the image on the box as a guide for my decorating. Applying the icing just right is a little harder than it seems at first but then I got the hang of it. Lets just say I'm no pro at decorating but I had fun! The kit comes with 2 cookies to decorate and add to your scene plus a chimney! And tons of jewel toned candies to decorate with. I had a few starlight mints of my own so I added them to my scene. Feel free to add any candies you think might add some personality to your gingerbread house!
I decorated most of the house and came back later to finish the scene. Phew! But all that hard work was worth it. Now we have a beautiful Gingerbread cottage to enjoy this holiday season and for years to come!
That's right, if you store your gingerbread house properly in a safe, cool, dry place you can keep it for next year and beyond!

The Bottom Line: This Gingerbread House Kit from Williams-Sonoma is a steal! At $19.95 you will get alot of value out of this kit, especially if you store your gingerbread house and reuse it. Thanks Williams-Sonoma!

*I received 1 Gingerbread House Kit to facilitate my honest review. No other form of compensation was or will be given.
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